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Revisiting Ihde's Fourfold 'Technological Relationships': Application and Modification


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The question of how we relate to the world via technology is fundamental to the philosophy of technology. One of the leading experts, the contemporary philosopher Don Ihde, has addressed this core issue in many of his works and introduced a fourfold classification of technology-based relationships. The conceptual paper at hand offers a modification of Ihde's theory, but unlike previous research, it explores the functional compositions of Ihde's categories instead of complementing them with additional relational categories. The result is a simplification and reduction of the analytical categories of Ihde's theory, where alterity and background relations are ontologically reduced to ratios between the mediated relationships. The paper uses cutting-edge robotics as a hermeneutic tool in order to present this point and concludes with a discussion of the usefulness of applying static categorization to complex technology and of various challenges and limitations.
机译:我们如何通过技术与世界联系的问题是技术哲学的基础。当代哲学家唐·艾德(Don Ihde)是领先的专家之一,他在许多著作中都谈到了这一核心问题,并介绍了基于技术的关系的四个分类。当前的概念文件对Ihde的理论进行了修改,但与以前的研究不同,它探讨了Ihde类别的功能组成,而不是用其他关系类别对它们进行补充。结果是简化和简化了艾德(Ihde)理论的分析类别,在该理论中,变更和背景关系在本体上被简化为中介关系之间的比率。为了说明这一点,本文使用了尖端的机器人技术作为一种解释工具,并在最后讨论了将静态分类应用于复杂技术的有用性以及各种挑战和局限性。



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