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Towards Scalable Governance: Sensemaking and Cooperation in the Age of Social Media


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Abstract Cybernetics, or self-governance of animal and machine, requires the ability to sense the world and to act on it in an appropriate manner. Likewise, self-governance of a human society requires groups of people to collectively sense and act on their environment. I argue that the evolution of political systems is characterized by a series of innovations that attempt to solve (among others) two ‘scalability’ problems: scaling up a group’s ability to make sense of an increasingly complex world, and to cooperate in increasingly larger groups. I then explore some recent efforts toward using the Internet and social media to provide alternative means for addressing these scalability challenges, under the banners of crowdsourcing and computer-supported argumentation. I present some lessons from those efforts about the limits of technology, and the research directions more likely to bear fruit.
机译: Abstract 控制论,即动物和机器的自治,要求具有 sense 这个世界和以适当的方式>执行。同样,人类社会的自治需要人们的 groups 来集体感知并采取行动。我认为,政治制度的演变具有一系列创新的特征,这些创新试图解决(以及其他)两个“可扩展性”问题:扩大一个群体理解一个日益复杂的世界的能力,以及在一个越来越大的群体中进行合作的能力。 。然后,我探索了最近在使用众包和计算机支持的论据的情况下,通过使用Internet和社交媒体来提供替代方法来解决这些可伸缩性挑战的一些尝试。我从这些努力中吸取了一些有关技术局限性的经验教训,并指出了更有可能取得成果的研究方向。



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