AbstractWe record the advances made by the eleventh century Persian logician Ibn Sina—known in the West as Avicenna—away '/> Proofs as Cognitive or Computational: Ibn Sina's Innovations
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Proofs as Cognitive or Computational: Ibn Sina's Innovations


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AbstractWe record the advances made by the eleventh century Persian logician Ibn Sina—known in the West as Avicenna—away from a purely cognitive view of proofs and towards a more computational view, and the kinds of consideration that led him to these advances. Some of Ibn Sina’s new logics, which stand somewhere between Aristotle’s categorical syllogisms and modern first-order logic, can serve as a kind of laboratory for testing what are the differences between Aristotelian and modern logic, and where these differences come from.
机译: 摘要 我们记录了11世纪的波斯逻辑学家伊本·辛纳(Ibn Sina)(在西方被称为阿维森纳)所取得的进步。从证明的纯粹认知观点转向更多的计算观点,以及导致他取得这些进步的各种考虑。伊本·辛纳(Ibn Sina)的一些新逻辑,介于亚里士多德的分类三段论和现代一阶逻辑之间,可以作为一种实验室来测试亚里士多德与现代逻辑之间的差异以及这些差异的来源。



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