首页> 外文期刊>Perspectives: studies in translatology >Intralingual translation as 'modernization' of the language: the Turkish case

Intralingual translation as 'modernization' of the language: the Turkish case


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This paper focuses on the practice of intralingual translations in Turkey, which are generally regarded as original writings and thus have remained outside the realm of Translation Studies. In an attempt to offer a different conceptualization of translation that would contribute to the reconsideration of the nature and definition of translation, this paper looks at the specific use of intralingual translation seen as modernization of the language in twentieth-century Turkey. Using Halid Ziya Usakhgil's Mai ve Siyah (Blue and Black) as a case in point, this paper will argue that, concealed under the rubric of different terminology, intralingual translations in Turkey accomplish more than an updating of the language and reveal linguistic, translational, and ideological norms of the periods in which these translations were produced. This study will furthermore claim that the presentation of intralingual translations also sheds light on the practice and perception of interlingual translations and on our relationship with the past. Thus this paper argues that enlarging the definition of translation by encompassing intralingual translations would expand the boundaries of research in Translation Studies in general, and in Translation History in particular.
机译:本文重点介绍土耳其的语内翻译实践,这种翻译通常被认为是原创著作,因此仍然不在翻译研究领域之内。为了提供一种不同的翻译概念,有助于重新考虑翻译的性质和定义,本文着眼于语言内翻译的特殊用法,该用法被视为二十世纪土耳其的语言现代化。以Halid Ziya Usakhgil的《 Mai ve Siyah》(蓝色和黑色)为例,本文认为,在不同术语的掩盖下,土耳其的语言内翻译不仅可以实现语言更新,而且还可以显示语言,翻译,以及产生这些翻译的时期的意识形态规范。这项研究将进一步主张,提供语言间翻译还可以帮助您了解语言间翻译的实践和理解,以及我们与过去的关系。因此,本文认为,通过包含语内翻译来扩大翻译的定义将扩大翻译研究的范围,尤其是翻译史。



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