
Is that a fish in your ear?


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The title of David Bellos' book is not immediately clear to those readers who are unfamiliar with Douglas Adams' The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy, in which we meet the so called 'Babel fish', which you can stick in your ear and instantly understand anything said to you in any form of language. As this fish does not exist in reality, we must have translations, and David Bellos has written a text about what he calls 'the amazing adventure of translation'. An experienced, prizewinning translator himself, he is at the same time a university teacher and director of the translation programme at Princeton University. He writes about translation from a practical and a theoretical point of view, and he manages to focus on the real problems and fields of interest in the world of translation. Put in the author's own words, this is not a book about how to translate, it is the 'big picture'. The book is obviously written for the general public. It is easy to read, but it is based upon solid theory, and readers are invited to read further, guided by the references and notes accompanying each chapter.
机译:对于不熟悉道格拉斯·亚当斯(Douglas Adams)的旅行者的银河系指南,读者们现在还不清楚大卫·贝洛斯(David Bellos)的书名,在该指南中我们遇到了所谓的“通天鱼”,您可以将其贴在耳朵上并立即理解任何以任何形式的语言对您说的话。由于这条鱼在现实中不存在,因此我们必须进行翻译,大卫·贝罗斯(David Bellos)撰写了一段文字,称其为“惊人的翻译冒险”。他本人是一位经验丰富,屡获殊荣的翻译,同时还是普林斯顿大学的大学老师和翻译计划主任。他从实践和理论的角度撰写翻译文章,并致力于研究翻译领域的实际问题和感兴趣的领域。用作者自己的话说,这不是一本有关如何翻译的书,而是一本“大图”。这本书显然是为普通大众写的。它易于阅读,但是基于扎实的理论,在每一章随附的参考文献和注释的指导下,请读者进一步阅读。



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