首页> 外文期刊>Perspectives: studies in translatology >What is the role of culture in news translation? A materialist approach

What is the role of culture in news translation? A materialist approach


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Three approaches have characterized the study of news translation, but none have given a satisfactory account of the role of culture. The first, drawn from political economy, asks how and where news travels. The second, from linguistics, asks how journalists deal with lexical or stylistic concerns. The third, from sociology and cultural studies, asks how journalists understand their role in society. All three, however, employ terms such as 'culture', not to mention 'news' and 'translation', differently. This article proposes an approach grounded in a materialist philosophy of language that clarifies the relationship between political economy, linguistics, and sociology/cultural studies, by locating culture in the tension between the political economic world of exchange and negotiation, the social world of shared meaning, and the subjective world of individual expression.
机译:新闻翻译的研究采用了三种方法,但没有一种方法能够令人满意地说明文化的作用。第一个来自政治经济学,询问新闻的传播方式和传播方向。第二,来自语言学,询问记者如何处理词汇或文体问题。第三,来自社会学和文化研究,询问记者如何理解他们在社会中的作用。但是,这三者都使用了不同的术语,例如“文化”,更不用说“新闻”和“翻译”。本文提出了一种基于唯物主义语言哲学的方法,该方法通过将文化置于交流和谈判的政治经济世界,共享含义的社会世界之间的张力中,阐明了政治经济学,语言学和社会学/文化研究之间的关系。 ,以及个人表达的主观世界。



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