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Lost in the Eurofog: the textual fit of translated law


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There are many signs that legal translation is witnessing a major transformation. In recent times it has emerged as a 'multifaceted and dynamically changing profession' (Borja & Prieto, 2013, back cover), faced with a multiplicity of dilemmas and challenges of many different sorts. In an era characterised not only by increased volumes of translated legal texts in a growing range of social and communicative situations but also, at a broader level, by the political dynamics of (legal) cultures and languages decisively marked by cultural clashes and asymmetry (Vidal, 2013), legal translation proves to be a complex decision-making activity with far-reaching implications in the political and the social dimension. Radically transformed by the phenomenon of globalisation (Megale, 2015), legal translation faces the challenge of reconciling conflicting pressures. Expectations of fidelity and wholesale equivalence that have traditionally governed this field clash with the needs of contexts marked by cultural differences and unequal power relations between cultures; a seemingly renewed literalism brought about by an increased technologisation of the profession promotes sameness but also reinforces hegemony and subordination relations between translating and translated cultures. In this context, the perceived challenge of catering for diverging cultural identities in the legal field is progressively feeding the conviction that new translation formulae must be found for legal translation to promote social cohesion, cultural pluralism, and a more balanced equation between unity and diversity. At the level of research, a growing number of voices (Biel & Engberg, 2013, p. 1) have been arguing recently for comprehensive research models that are able to account for the many factors impinging on this social practice, i.e. for integrated approaches that may help circumvent the dangers of reductionism, for all theories enlarge certain horizons while creating blind spots elsewhere (Hermans, 1999, p. 151).
机译:有许多迹象表明法律翻译正在发生重大变化。近年来,它已成为一个“多层面且动态变化的职业”(Borja&Prieto,2013,封底),面临着多种困境和多种挑战。在这个时代,不仅在越来越多的社会和交际情况下翻译的法律文本数量增加,而且在更广泛的水平上,以(法律)文化和语言的政治动态为特征的文化冲突和非对称性具有决定性意义(Vidal (2013年),法律翻译被证明是一项复杂的决策活动,在政治和社会层面都具有深远的影响。法律翻译受到全球化现象的彻底变革(Megale,2015年),法律翻译面临着调和矛盾压力的挑战。传统上支配该领域的保真和批发对等的期望与以文化差异和文化之间不平等的权力关系为特征的语境需求冲突;由专业技术的不断发展带来的看似新的文字主义不仅促进了相同性,而且还加强了翻译文化和翻译文化之间的霸权和从属关系。在这种情况下,迎合法律领域中的文化身份差异所面临的挑战正在逐渐满足一种信念,即必须为法律翻译找到新的翻译公式,以促进社会凝聚力,文化多元性以及统一与多样性之间更加平衡的方程式。在研究层面,近来越来越多的声音(Biel&Engberg,2013年,第1页)争辩说,全面的研究模型应能够解释影响这一社会实践的许多因素,即综合方法。可能有助于规避简化论的危险,因为所有理论都扩大了某些视野,同时在其他地方造成了盲点(Hermans,1999,第151页)。



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