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Bibliometrics as a tool to map uncharted territory: A study on non-professional interpreting


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The descriptive and predictive applications of bibliometric methods are used in this paper to identify and describe non-professional interpreting as an emerging specialty within Translation and Interpreting Studies. 'Collective communication efforts' are used as a token of scholarly interest on this new area and exploited bibliometrically to build a corpus of relevant publications. Publication count methods are applied to this corpus of 268 scientific works published between 1973 and 2013 in order to shediight. on the evolution of this research front, as well as its main features in terms of creation and dissemination of knowledge (authorship, publication types and disciplinary affiliations). Results point to an early apparition of the topic in the early 1970s, but a delayed growth in scholarly production starting in the early 2000s and taking the shape of journal articles and chapters in collective volumes. Research is spearheaded by a small group of scholars with a continuous interest in the issue and complemented by the research activities of 'one-timers' from a wide array of disciplines - from Translation and Interpreting Studies to Health Sciences, Psychology and Education -who tend to collaborate, if ever, within their discipline rather than across them.
机译:本文使用文献计量学方法的描述性和预测性应用来识别和描述非专业口译,并将其作为翻译和口译研究中的新兴专业。 “集体交流努力”被用作这一新领域学术兴趣的象征,并被文献计量法用于建立相关出版物的语料库。 1973年至2013年间出版的268篇科学著作的全集采用了出版计数方法,以确保公信力。关于该研究前沿的发展及其在知识创造和传播(作者,出版物类型和学科隶属关系)方面的主要特征。结果表明该主题早在1970年代就已出现,但从2000年代初开始,学术成果的增长出现了延迟,并在集体册中形成了期刊文章和章节的形式。研究由少数对这一问题持续感兴趣的学者带头,并辅以包括翻译和口译研究到卫生科学,心理学和教育在内的广泛学科的“一次性”研究活动。在他们的学科范围内而不是在他们之间进行协作。



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