首页> 外文期刊>Perspectives: studies in translatology >The transformation of the translatorial identity and the shift of translation style: a comparison of the three versions of the she king translated by James Legge

The transformation of the translatorial identity and the shift of translation style: a comparison of the three versions of the she king translated by James Legge

机译:翻译身份的转变与翻译风格的转变:詹姆斯·莱格翻译的《 Leg王》三个版本的比较

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James Legge translated the Chinese literary masterpiece The she king three times. In 1871 Legge translated it into a prosaic English version, and in 1876 he rendered it into a metrical one. In 1879 Legge translated its religious portion into a prosaic version again. This article aims to make a stylistic comparison of the three versions and explore the reasons underlying the style shift in Legge's three translations of The she king. The findings show that the translation style for the same work by the same translator changed in a relatively short period of time. In our view Legge's identities as a missionary and a sinologue influenced the translation styles of the three translations of The she king. Hence, it is suggested that the translatorial identity is not a stable construct. In fact, it can be affected, as Legge's example shows, by the changes in the translator's identity.
机译:詹姆斯·雷格(James Legge)三度翻译了中国文学名著《她的国王》。勒格(Legge)在1871年将其翻译成平淡的英语版本,并在1876年将其翻译成公制版本。 1879年,Legge将其宗教部分再次翻译成平淡无奇的版本。本文旨在对这三个版本进行风格上的比较,并探讨理雅各(Legge)的三本《她的国王》(The she king)风格转变的根本原因。研究结果表明,同一译者对同一作品的翻译风格在相对较短的时间内发生了变化。在我们看来,理雅各作为传教士和母语的身份影响了《 she王》三译的翻译风格。因此,建议翻译身份不是稳定的结构。实际上,如Legge的示例所示,翻译者的身份变化可能会影响它。



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