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Practicing Population in Latin America


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Population involves the counting of a group in a place. To count is to know. To know is to intervene. Knowing and intervening are complicated practices. Assigning groups to places is complicated as well. This set of essays, that examine how scientists make Latin American groups into “objects of inquiry and intervention” (Suárez-Díaz 2017a [this volume]) allows for a fundamental examination of how practicing population can involve seemingly disparate accounts of the relationship of groups to places. North American scientists tend to constitute the populations described in these papers as biologically essential groups located in timeless landscapes or as malleably cultural groups within national territories, while Latin American scientists tend to constitute populations through the examination of groups formed in relation to land.
机译:人口涉及对一个地点中的群体进行计数。数就是知道。知道就是干预。知道和干预是复杂的做法。将组分配给场所也很复杂。这组文章探讨了科学家如何使拉丁美洲的群体成为“探究和干预的对象”(Suárez-Díaz2017a [本册]),从而可以从根本上考察实践中的人口如何可能涉及看似完全不同的群体关系说明。到地方。北美科学家倾向于将这些论文中描述的种群作为位于永恒景观中的生物必不可少的群体,或者作为国家领土内可锻的文化群体来构成,而拉丁美洲科学家则倾向于通过研究与土地有关的群体来构成种群。



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