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The Independent Expatriate: Academics Abroad: A Study of Expatriate Academics in New Zealand, Singapore, the United Arab Emirates and Turkey


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With the release of The Independent Expatriate: Academics Abroad, Julia Richardson has clearly established herself as the leading researcher investigating expatriate academics, if not the wider field of expatriation from an experiential perspective. As she has been an expatriate in a number of countries, her personal connection to the topic is obvious and one she shares as a main driver behind this book. Her own lived experience and discussions with other expatriate academics have provided her with a unique perspective from which to pursue this topic and realize the gap in the literature, which this book ably fills.
机译:随着《独立外籍人士:国外学者》的发行,茱莉亚·理查森(Julia Richardson)显然已经确立了自己为研究外籍学者的领先研究者的能力,即使不是从经验的角度来看更广泛的外籍人士领域。由于她在许多国家都是外籍人士,因此她与该主题的个人联系十分明显,她是本书背后的主要推动者。她自己的经历和与其他外籍学者的讨论为她提供了一个独特的视角,从这个视角可以探索这个主题并意识到文学中的空白,这本书可以很好地填补这一空白。



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