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The motivations of ubiquitous computing: revisiting the ideas behind and beyond the prototypes


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Ask anyone in the field, “What is ubiquitous computing?” and you’ll get a different answer from each person. The one definition of ubicomp that nearly everyone points to (as an almost obligatory citation) is Mark Weiser’s 1991 Scientific American article: “The most profound technologies are those that disappear. They weave themselves into the fabric of everyday life until they are indistinguishable from it.” While this vision was clearly inspiring, many readers miss the point that ubicomp was not simply a dream of putting computers everywhere. Weiser was deeply concerned about what it would be like to live in a world of ubiquitous computing. Those human issues were compressed to a single paragraph of his Scientific American article, citing Herbert Simon, Michael Polanyi, James Gibson, Hans Georg Gadamer, and Martin Heidegger. By unpacking this dense paragraph, tracing connections between ideas through his library archives, and interviewing many of Weiser’s professional and personal influencers from the early days of ubicomp (late 1980s at Xerox PARC), we get a sense for the philosophical history behind ubiquitous computing. This broader understanding of the influencers and ideas can serve as a source for inspiration for exploration and innovation that refocuses upon the first-person human experience of ubicomp systems: (1) leveraging human experience below the level of focused, conscious attention, (2) bringing back embodiment, and (3) simultaneously supporting and getting out of the way of human interpersonal interactions and relationships.
机译:问该领域的任何人:“什么是普适计算?”然后每个人都会得到不同的答案。马克·韦瑟(Mark Weiser)在1991年《科学美国人》上发表的文章(几乎是强制性引用)几乎是每个人都对ubicomp的一个定义:“最深刻的技术是那些已经消失的技术。他们将自己编织到日常生活的结构中,直到无法与它们区别开来。”尽管这一愿景显然令人鼓舞,但许多读者都忽略了ubicomp不仅仅是将计算机无处不在的梦想的观点。 Weiser深为关注在无处不在的计算世界中生活的感觉。这些人为问题被压缩到他的《科学美国人》文章的一小段,引用了赫伯特·西蒙(Herbert Simon),迈克尔·波兰尼(Michael Polanyi),詹姆斯·吉布森,汉斯·乔治·加达默尔和马丁·海德格尔。通过解开这段密集的段落,通过他的图书馆档案追踪思想之间的联系,并采访ubicomp早期(施乐PARC的1980年代末)Weiser的许多专业人士和个人影响者,我们可以理解遍在计算背后的哲学历史。对影响者和思想的更广泛理解可以作为探索和创新灵感的源泉,将其重新聚焦于ubicomp系统的第一人称人类体验:(1)在专注,有意识的关注水平之下利用人类体验,(2) (3)同时支持和摆脱人与人之间的互动和关系。



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