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Evapotranspiration and Soil Moisture Balance for Vegetative Restoration in a Gully Catchment on the Loess Plateau, China


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Evapotranspiration, soil moisture balance and the dynamics in a gully catchment of the Loess Plateau in China were determined with 6 land use treatments including natural grassland, shrubs (Caragana microphylla), two woodlands (Prunus armeniaca var. ansu and Pinus tabulaeformis), cultivated fallow, and farmland (Triticum aestivum L.) in order to obtain a better understanding of soil moisture balance principles and to improve vegetation restoration efficiency for ecological rebuilding on the plateau. Average runoff from cultivated fallow was very high, reaching 10.3% of the seasonal rainfall. Evapotranspiration under T. aestivum was not significantly different from natural grasslands. Compared with natural grass, evapotranspiration was significantly greater (P < 0.05) in 2002 and there was an increase in soil moisture depleted in the 1-3 m soil under P. armeniaca, P. tabulaeformis and C. microphylla. During the two years of the study the average soil moisture (0-100 cm soil profile) of T. aestivum was generally the highest, with P. armeniaca, P. tabulaeformis and C. microphylla usually the lowest. Thus, according to the soil moisture balance principle for this area the planned reforestation project was not ecologically reasonable. Reducing human disturbance and restoration with grass could be more effective.
机译:黄土高原地区的蒸散量,土壤水分平衡和沟壑流域的动态通过6种土地利用处理方法进行了测定,包括天然草地,灌木(小叶锦鸡儿),两个林地(杏花变种和油松),休耕地,以及农田(Triticum aestivum L.),以便更好地了解土壤水分平衡的原理,并提高高原生态重建的植被恢复效率。耕地的平均径流非常高,达到季节性降雨的10.3%。普通小麦下的蒸散量与天然草地没有显着差异。与天然草相比,2002年的蒸散量显着更大(P <0.05),并且在亚美尼亚假单胞菌,油松和小叶锦鸡儿的1-3 m土壤中,土壤水分的消耗增加了。在研究的两年中,普通小麦的平均土壤湿度(0-100厘米土壤剖面)通常最高,而亚美尼亚假单胞菌,油松和小叶锦葵通常最低。因此,根据该地区土壤水分平衡的原则,计划中的造林工程在生态上是不合理的。减少人为干扰并用草恢复可能更有效。



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