首页> 外文期刊>Pastoral Psychology >Chuang Tzu, Butterfly and Wittgenstein: An Exploration of the Relationship Between Psychological Factors and Philosophical Thinking in the Life of Ludwig Wittgenstein

Chuang Tzu, Butterfly and Wittgenstein: An Exploration of the Relationship Between Psychological Factors and Philosophical Thinking in the Life of Ludwig Wittgenstein


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This is a preliminary attempt at exploring the relationship between psychology and philosophical thinking. It first looks at Chuang Tzu’s analogy of the butterfly representing the spirit of spontaneity that is central in Taoist philosophy. Second, it explores the psychology of self-consciousness that inhibits spontaneity, and lastly, it looks at the impact of psychopathology in the life of Ludwig Wittgenstein and his philosophical thinking by focusing on his struggle with mental illness and two philosophical transitions: the movement toward mysticism as an attempt to quiet his obsession and his later writings on ordinary language philosophy as a way out of the pain of self-consciousness. This article puts forth the argument that Wittgenstein’s development of ordinary language philosophy is closely connected with his personal struggle with mental illness. It is a philosophical attempt at coping with his existential psychological struggle, the quest for the butterfly.



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