首页> 外文期刊>Parallel Computing >A method for exploiting communication/computation overlap in hypercubes

A method for exploiting communication/computation overlap in hypercubes


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This paper presents a method to derive efficient algorithms for hypercubes. The method exploits two features of the underlying hardware f a) the parallelism provided by the multiple communication links of each node and b) the possibility of overlapping computations and communications which is a feature of machines supporting an asynchronous communication protocol. The method can be applied to a generic class of hypercube algorithms whose distinguish- ing features are quite frequent in common algorithms for hypercubes. Many examples of this class of algorithms are found in the literature for different problems. The paper shows the efficiency of the method for two case studies. The results show that the reduction in communication overhead is very significant in many cases. They also show that the algorithms produced by our method are always very close to the optimum in terms of execution time.
机译:本文提出了一种导出超立方体有效算法的方法。该方法利用了基础硬件的两个特征:a)每个节点的多个通信链路提供的并行性; b)计算和通信重叠的可能性,这是支持异步通信协议的机器的特征。该方法可以应用于一类超立方体算法,其区别特征在超立方体的通用算法中非常常见。在文献中可以找到针对不同问题的此类算法的许多示例。本文通过两个案例展示了该方法的有效性。结果表明,在许多情况下,通信开销的减少非常显着。他们还表明,根据我们的方法生成的算法在执行时间方面始终非常接近最佳状态。



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