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Positive education: positive psychology and classroom interventions


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Positive education is defined as education for both traditional skills and for happiness. The high prevalence worldwide of depression among young people, the small rise in life satisfaction, and the synergy between learning and positive emotion all argue that the skills for happiness should be taught in school. There is substantial evidence from well controlled studies that skills that increase resilience, positive emotion, engagement and meaning can be taught to schoolchildren. We present the story of teaching these skills to an entire school—Geelong Grammar School—in Australia, and we speculate that positive education will form the basis of a 'new prosperity', a politics that values both wealth and well-being.
机译:积极教育被定义为对传统技能和幸福的教育。全世界范围内年轻人中抑郁症的患病率很高,生活满意度的提高很小,学习与积极情绪之间的协同作用都表明,应该在学校教授快乐技能。良好控制的研究中有大量证据表明,可以向学童教授提高适应能力,积极情绪,敬业度和意义的技能。我们向整个澳大利亚的吉朗文法学校(Geelong Grammar School)讲授这些技能的故事,并且我们推测积极的教育将构成“新繁荣”的基础,“新繁荣”是一种重视财富和福祉的政治。



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