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Can non-timber forest products solve livelihood problems? A case study from Periyar Tiger Reserve, India

机译:非木材林产品能否解决民生问题?来自印度Periyar Tiger Reserve的案例研究

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Collection of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) has been promoted in India as a strategy to aid wildlife conservation whilst simultaneously alleviating poverty, and recent legislation now gives communities living within protected areas the legal right to collect NTFPs. However, research on the financial rewards from NTFP collection and its contribution to sustainable development is equivocal. In a case study in the Periyar Tiger Reserve, India, we examined whether NTFP collection can solve livelihood problems by analysing revenues obtained from various NTFP species, estimating the economic returns to collectors from various social backgrounds, and exploring the attitudes of collectors towards their profession. We found that black damar resin from the tree Canarium strictum (61.3%) and mace from Myristica spp. (35.5%) were the most commonly collected NTFPs, and the most valuable NTFPs were honey from Apis cerana indica (USD 4.12 kg~(-1)), cardamom Elettaria cardamomum (USD 3.67 kg~(-1)) and Myristica spp. (USD 2.77 kg~(-1)). Mean daily revenue from NTFP collection was USD 3.15 ?SD 4.19 day~(-1), and the lowest daily revenues were earned by part-time collectors with low socio-economic status such as migrants, forest-dwellers or those without access to agricultural land. Most collectors (82%) did not wish to continue harvesting NTFPs if alternative livelihoods from agriculture could be provided, and none wanted their children to be NTFP collectors. Our findings suggest that, with respect to social justice, poverty alleviation and environmental sustainability, the role of NTFP collection in sustainable development is questionable.
机译:印度已提倡收集非木材林产品(NTFPs),以作为一种策略,在保护野生生物的同时减轻贫困。最近的立法现在赋予居住在保护区内的社区合法的权利来收集NTFPs。但是,关于NTFP收集所带来的经济回报及其对可持续发展的贡献的研究是模棱两可的。在印度佩里亚尔老虎保护区的一个案例研究中,我们分析了NTFP收集是否可以解决民生问题,方法是分析从各种NTFP物种获得的收入,估算来自不同社会背景的藏家的经济收益,并探索藏家对其职业的态度。 。我们从树Canariumstrictum(61.3%)和来自肉豆蔻属的肉豆蔻中发现了黑色damar树脂。 (35.5%)是最常见的NTFP,最有价值的NTFP是来自印度蜜蜂Apis cerana indica(4.12 kg〜(-1)),小豆蔻Elettaria cardamomum(USD 3.67 kg〜(-1))和Myristica spp的蜂蜜。 (USD 2.77公斤〜(-1))。 NTFP收集的平均每日收入为3.15美元SD 4.19天〜(-1),并且最低的每日收入来自于社会经济地位较低的兼职收集者,例如移民,森林居民或无法获得农业收入的人土地。如果可以从农业中获得其他生计,大多数收集者(82%)不希望继续收获非木材林产品,没有人希望他们的孩子成为非木材林产品的收集者。我们的发现表明,关于社会正义,减贫和环境可持续性,NTFP收集在可持续发展中的作用值得怀疑。



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