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Mathematical Model for the Calculation of Full and Half Sib Covariance in an Artificial Autotetraploid Population Including Aneuploids


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人為同質4倍体集団の遺伝分散を求めるため,両親が近交系数F=0の同質4倍体家族の全兄弟と半兄弟の共分散を検討した.Kempthorneのモデルにおいて定義された分散の係数を①A,D,T,Qと②φ,ψの2つに分割した.①は互いに独立な相加,2遺伝子,3遺伝子,4遺伝子効果の組み合わせの確率である.②は兄弟が片親から受け取る同一対立遺伝子の数と対立遺伝子ペアの数である.これは兄弟が片親から対立遺伝子と対立遺伝子の組を受け取る確率の関数であり,この確率は減数分裂での染色体行動と配偶子の染色体数によって決まる.この確率を推定するため,Ⅳ価染色体は確率打,κ ,λ(κ+λ=1)で2-2と1-3で分配され,Ⅲ価染色体とⅤ価染色体は1-2と2-3に分配されると仮定した.本報告では,四染色体が完全にⅣ価染色体を形成するとして,全ての雌雄の配偶子がその染色体数に関係なく受精できる単純な場合について検討した.共分散の分散成分の構造は兄弟の組み合わせと家族によって異なる.したがって,家族の共分散は各兄弟の共分散とその組み合わせ頻度を用い平均すれば求めることができ,集団の平均の共分散は家族の共分散と集団での家族の頻度を用い平均すれば求めることができる.%For the estimation of genetic variance of an artificial autotetraploid population, a mathemat­ical model of full and half sib covariances between sibs with various chromosome numbers, which were derived from euploid or aneuploid parents, was devised for a case where the inbreeding coefficient of the parents was F = 0. The coefficients defined in Kempthorne's model were separated into two parts: (i) A, D, T and Q, and (ii) Φ and φ. The former four parameters were defined as probabilities of factor combinations, which could be compared between various sibs, for additive, digenic, trigenic, and quadrigenic effects, and were mutually independent. The latter two parameters, which were the numbers of the identical allele and the identical allele pair combinations that two sibs inherited from a parent, were defined as linear functions of the prob­abilities that two sibs inherited allele or allele pair from a parent, respectively. These probabili­ties depend on chromosome behavior during meiosis and the chromosome number of the gam­etes. For the estimation, it was assumed that quadrivalent chromosomes were distributed by 2-2 and 1-3 with probabilities k and λ (k + λ = 1), respectively. The distribution of trisomic and pentasomic chromosomes to the poles was assumed to be 1-2 and 2-3. Then, the probabilities were estimated for the simple case where all male and female gametes could equally fertilize irrespective of their chromosome number, provided that tetrasomic chromosomes completely formed a quadrivalent chromosome. The constitution of variance components were different according to the sib combinations and family. Therefore, for the calculation of the covariance of a family, the covariances between various sibs were averaged by the combination frequency in a family, and for the calculation of the covariance of population, the family's covariances were averaged by the family's frequency in the population.
机译:为了获得人工异源四倍体种群的遗传变异,我们研究了同系四倍体家族的近交系F = 0的所有同胞和同胞半同胞的协方差。在Kempthorne模型中定义的方差系数分为两个:①A,D,T,Q和②φ,ψ。 ①是相互独立的加性,2基因,3基因和4基因效应组合的概率。 ②是同一个等位基因的数量和兄弟姐妹从一位父母那里获得的等位基因对的数量。它是同胞从一个亲本接收等位基因和等位基因对的概率的函数,该概率由减数分裂过程中的染色体行为和配子染色体的数量决定。为了估计该概率,IV价染色体以2-2和1-3分布,概率为κ和λ(κ+λ= 1),III价染色体和V价染色体分别为1-2和2-3。假定它是分布式的。在此报告中,我们研究了一个简单的案例,其中假定四个染色体构成完整的IV染色体,而不论染色体数目如何,均可对所有性别进行受精。协方差方差成分的结构因同级组合和家族而异。因此,可以通过平均每个兄弟姐妹及其组合频率的协方差来获得家庭协方差,并且可以通过平均该组中的家庭协方差和家庭频率来获得组的平均协方差。能够。 %为了估算人工四倍体种群的遗传方差,针对父母亲近交系数的情况,设计了一个具有不同染色体数的同胞之间全同胞和半同胞协方差的数学模型,这些同胞是从整倍体或非整倍体亲本衍生而来的是F =0。在Kempthorne模型中定义的系数分为两部分:(i)A,D,T和Q,以及(ii)Φ和φ。前四个参数定义为因子组合的概率,可以可以比较不同同胞之间的相加,双基因,三基因和四基因效应,并且它们是相互独立的。后两个参数是两个同胞从亲本遗传而来的相同等位基因和相同等位基因对组合的数目。定义为两个同胞分别从亲本遗传等位基因或等位基因对的概率的线性函数,这些概率取决于meio期间的染色体行为为了估计,假设四价染色体以2-2和1-3分布,概率分别为k和λ(k +λ= 1)。假设两极的染色体分别为1-2和2-3,然后估算简单情况下的概率,即如果四体染色体完全形成了四价染色体,那么所有雄配子和雌配子都可以同等受精,而与它们的染色体数无关方差成分的构成因同胞组合和家族而异。在那里,为了计算一个家族的协方差,要根据同族中的组合频率对各个同胞之间的协方差进行平均,并计算出协方差。在人口总数中,家庭的协方差由家庭在人口中的频率平均。



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