首页> 外文期刊>Nuclear Technology >A system of ~99mTc production Based on distributed Electron accelerators and Thermal separation

A system of ~99mTc production Based on distributed Electron accelerators and Thermal separation


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A system has been developed for the production of ~99mTc based on distributed electron accelerators and ther- mal separation. The radioactive decay parent of ~99mTc, ~99Mo, is produced form ~100Mo by a photoneutron reac- tion. Two alternative thermal separation processes have been developed to extract ~99mTc. Experiments have been performed to verify the technical feasibility of the pro- duction and assess the efficiency of the extraction pro- cesses. A system based on this technology enables the economical supply of ~99mTc for a large nuclear phar- macy. Twenty such production centers distributed near major metropolitan areas could produce the entire U.S. supply of ~99mTc at a cost less than the current subsidized price.
机译:已经开发出了一种基于分布式电子加速器和热分离技术来生产〜99mTc的系统。 〜100mMo是由光中子反应产生的〜99mTc的放射性衰变母体〜99Mo。已经开发出两种替代的热分离工艺来提取〜99mTc。已进行实验以验证生产的技术可行性并评估提取过程的效率。基于该技术的系统可为大型核制药厂经济地供应约99mTc的碳。分布在主要都会区附近的20个这样的生产中心可以以低于当前补贴价格的价格生产整个美国的〜99mTc。



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