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SHAKE-RoverD Framework for Nuclear Power Plants: A Streamlined Approach for Seismic Risk Assessment


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A major challenge facing the nuclear energy industry is to remain competitive under current market conditions. Utility operators are searching for innovative methods to reduce nuclear power plant (NPP) operation and maintenance costs while complying with safety and reliability requirements. To support these goals, the authors suggest a streamlined approach that implements a conservative risk-informed method to reduce the costs of satisfying emergent regulatory requirements. As a streamlined approach, the Risk-informed Over Deterministic (RoverD) method was developed by some of the authors of the current paper to resolve the concerns associated with Generic Safety Issue 191 (GSI- 191). The RoverD method is designed around U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Regulatory Guide 1.174 (RG 1.174), which defines "risk-informed" regulation as comprising a blend of risk-based and deterministically based elements. This paper offers the Safety Hazard Analysis for earthquaKE (SHAKE)-RoverD (SHAKE-RoverD) methodology, an extension of the original RoverD methodology developed for GSI- 191, to evaluate the impact of an increased seismic hazard on the performance of NPP protective systems. SHAKE-RoverD aims to reduce the cost required for developing, validating, and documenting detailed fragility curves in seismic probabilistic risk assessment by using deterministic fragility curves. The SHAKE-RoverD methodology assesses whether an increase in a seismic hazard would result in an unacceptable increase in NPP risk. If the conservative estimate of plant risk, computed by the streamlined approach, satisfies the regulatory acceptance criteria (e.g., Regulatory Guide 1.174), the plant likely would not need to make a design change (as long as defense in depth and adequate safety margin are satisfied); therefore, the use of streamlined methodology could lead to significant cost savings for the utility operator Future work will advance SHAKE-RoverD and analyze risk management strategies based on this method.
机译:核能行业面临的主要挑战是在当前市场条件下保持竞争力。公用事业运营商正在寻求创新的方法,以减少核电站(NPP)的运营和维护成本,同时又符合安全性和可靠性要求。为了支持这些目标,作者提出了一种简化的方法,该方法采用保守的风险告知方法来降低满足紧急监管要求的成本。作为一种简化的方法,本论文的一些作者开发了风险确定性(RoverD)方法,以解决与通用安全问题191(GSI-191)相关的问题。 RoverD方法是根据美国核监管委员会监管指南1.174(RG 1.174)设计的,该指南将“基于风险的信息”监管定义为混合了基于风险和基于确定性的要素。本文提供了地震(SHAKE)-RoverD(SHAKE-RoverD)方法的安全隐患分析方法,该方法是针对GSI- 191开发的原始RoverD方法的扩展,用于评估地震危险性增加对NPP保护系统性能的影响。 。 SHAKE-RoverD旨在通过使用确定性脆弱性曲线来降低在地震概率风险评估中开发,验证和记录详细的脆弱性曲线所需的成本。 SHAKE-RoverD方法评估地震危险的增加是否会导致NPP风险的增加到不可接受的程度。如果通过简化方法计算出的工厂风险的保守估计满足监管接受标准(例如,监管指南1.174),则工厂很可能无需进行设计更改(只要在深度防御和足够的安全裕度范围内)即可。满意);因此,使用简化的方法可以为公用事业运营商节省大量成本。未来的工作将推动SHAKE-RoverD并基于此方法分析风险管理策略。



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