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Gallium Arsenide detectors for X-ray and electron (beta particle) spectroscopy


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Results characterizing GaAs p~+-i-n~+ mesa photodiodes with a 10 μm i layer for their spectral response under illumination of X-rays and beta particles are presented. A total of 22 devices, having diameters of 200 μm and 400 μm, were electrically characterized at room temperature. All devices showed comparable characteristics with a measured leakage current ranging from 4 nA/cm~2 to 67 nA/cm~2 at an internal electric field of 50 kV/cm. Their unintentionally doped i layers were found to be almost fully depleted at 0 V due to their low doping density. ~(55)Fe X-ray spectra were obtained using one 200 μm diameter device and one 400 μm diameter device. The best energy resolution (FWHM at 5.9 keV) achieved was 625 eV using the 200 μm and 740 eV using the 400 μm diameter device, respectively. Noise analysis showed that the limiting factor for the energy resolution of the system was the dielectric noise; if this noise was eliminated by better design of the front end of the readout electronics, the achievable resolution would be 250 eV. ~(63)Ni beta particle spectra obtained using the 200 μm diameter device showed the potential utility of these detectors for electron and beta particle detection. The development of semiconductor electron spectrometers is important particularly for space plasma physics; such devices may find use in future space missions to study the plasma environment of Jupiter and Europa and the predicted electron impact excitation of water vapor plumes from Europa hypothesized as a result of recent Hubble Space Telescope (HST) UV observations.
机译:给出了表征具有10μmi层的GaAs p〜+ -i-n〜+台面光电二极管在X射线和β粒子照射下的光谱响应的结果。在室温下对22个直径分别为200μm和400μm的器件进行了电学表征。所有器件均表现出可比的特性,在50 kV / cm的内部电场下测得的泄漏电流范围为4 nA / cm〜2至67 nA / cm〜2。发现它们的无意掺杂的i层由于其低掺杂密度而在0 V时几乎完全耗尽。使用一个直径为200μm的装置和一个直径为400μm的装置获得〜(55)Fe X射线光谱。使用200μm直径的器件获得的最佳能量分辨率(在5.9 keV时的FWHM)分别为625 eV和使用400μm直径的器件达到740 eV。噪声分析表明,影响系统能量分辨率的因素是介电噪声。如果通过更好地设计读数电子设备的前端消除了这种噪声,则可实现的分辨率将为250 eV。使用直径为200μm的设备获得的〜(63)Niβ粒子光谱表明,这些检测器可用于电子和β粒子检测。半导体电子光谱仪的发展对于空间等离子体物理学尤其重要。这样的设备可能会在未来的太空任务中用于研究木星和欧罗巴的等离子体环境,以及由于最近哈勃太空望远镜(HST)的紫外线观测而推测的欧罗巴产生的水蒸气羽流的预计电子碰撞激发。



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