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Plasma confinement in the GAMMA 10 tandem mirror

机译:GAMMA 10串联镜中的等离子体限制

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The central cell density and the diamagnetic signal were doubled as a result of plug potential formation by ECRH in hot ion mode experiments on the GAMMA 10 tandem mirror. In order to obtain these remarkable results, the axisymmetrized heating patterns of ECRH and ICRF heating were optimized. Furthermore, conducting plates were installed adjacent to the surface of the plasma along the flat shaped magnetic flux tube located in the anchor transition regions, the plates may contribute to the reduction of some irregular electric fields produced possibly with ECRH in these thin flux tube regions. The conducting plates contributed to reducing the radial loss rate to less than 3% of the total particle losses, along with improvements in the reproducibility of the experiments and the controllability of the potential confinement. The increases in central cell density and diamagnetism in association with the increase in plug potentials scaled well with increasing ECRH power. A plug potential of 0.6 kV and a density increase of 100% were achieved using an ECRH power of 140 kW injected into both plug regions. The plasma confinement was improved by an order of magnitude over a simple mirror confinement owing to the tandem mirror potential formation.
机译:在GAMMA 10串联反射镜上的热离子模式实验中,通过ECRH形成的塞电势,中心细胞密度和抗磁信号增加了一倍。为了获得这些显着的结果,对ECRH和ICRF加热的轴对称加热模式进行了优化。此外,沿着位于锚定过渡区域中的扁平形状的磁通管在等离子体表面附近安装了导电板,这些板可能有助于减少在这些细磁通管区域中可能由ECRH产生的某些不规则电场。导电板有助于将径向损失率降低到小于总颗粒损失的3%,并改善了实验的可重复性和潜在限制的可控性。随着ECRH功率的增加,中心细胞密度和反磁性的增加与塞子电位的增加相关。使用140 kW的ECRH功率注入两个插头区域,可实现0.6 kV的插头电势和100%的密度增加。由于串联镜电位的形成,等离子体的限制比简单的镜限制提高了一个数量级。



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