首页> 外文期刊>Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal >Exporting lignin or power from heat-integrated kraft pulp mills: A techno-economic comparison using model mills

Exporting lignin or power from heat-integrated kraft pulp mills: A techno-economic comparison using model mills


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Lignin separation and increased power generation are two alternatives for utilising a steam surplus at a kraft pulp mill. Lignin can be separated from the black liquor by using CO_2 in a precipitation process. The resulting lignin can be sold as a biofuel. In this study, lignin separation and increased power generation have been compared by using computer models representing typical Scandinavian mills (327,000 ADt/a). In the studied mills, the steam surplus was up to 437 GWh/a (4.82 GJ/ADt) which enabled either increased power generation by 126 GWh/a (+65%) or extraction of 500 GWh/a lignin. A consequence of extracting this amount of lignin was that the power generation decreased by 59 GWh/a (-30%), which means that the profitability of lignin separation was dependent on the electricity price. Moreover, the profitability was mainly dependent on the lignin price and the cost for CO_2 to precipitate the lignin. For lignin separation to give the same annual earnings as increased power generation, the ratio between the electricity price and lignin price had to be 1.9-2.3. For ratios below 1.9, lignin separation was economically preferable, while ratios above 2.3 meant that increased power generation was preferable. It was noticeable that the profitability under all studied conditions was considerably lower for lignin separation than for power generation at high electricity prices. Lignin prices around 15 ?/MWh implied that the electricity price had to be below 33 ?/MWh for lignin separation to give higher annual earnings than increased power generation. For a high electricity price (55 ?/MWh, e.g. including policy instruments), the lignin price had to be above 23.8 ?/MWh for lignin separation to give higher annual earnings. These lignin prices are significantly higher than equivalent biofuel prices today. However, the lignin price would probably be higher than 25 ?/MWh if lignin were used e.g. as raw material for specialty chemicals or as a replacement for fossil fuels.
机译:木质素分离和增加的发电量是在牛皮纸制浆厂利用剩余蒸汽的两种选择。木质素可以通过在沉淀过程中使用CO_2从黑液中分离出来。生成的木质素可以作为生物燃料出售。在这项研究中,通过使用代表典型的斯堪的纳维亚工厂的计算机模型(327,000 ADt / a),对木质素分离和增加的发电量进行了比较。在所研究的工厂中,蒸汽过剩量高达437 GWh / a(4.82 GJ / ADt),这使得发电量增加了126 GWh / a(+ 65%)或提取了500 GWh / a木质素。提取该数量的木质素的结果是发电量减少了59 GWh / a(-30%),这意味着木质素分离的盈利能力取决于电价。此外,盈利能力主要取决于木质素价格和沉淀木质素的CO_2成本。为了使木质素分离获得与增加的发电量相同的年收入,电价与木质素价格之间的比率必须为1.9-2.3。对于低于1.9的比率,木质素分离在经济上是优选的,而高于2.3的比率意味着增加的发电是优选的。值得注意的是,在所有研究条件下,木质素分离的利润率都比高电价发电要低得多。木质素价格约为15升/兆瓦时,这意味着分离木质素的电价必须低于33升/兆瓦时,才能获得比增加发电量更高的年收益。对于高电价(55欧/兆瓦时,例如包括政策工具),木质素分离的木质素价格必须高于23.8欧升/兆瓦时,才能获得更高的年收益。这些木质素价格大大高于当今的等效生物燃料价格。但是,如果使用例如木质素的木质素价格可能会高于25升/兆瓦时。作为特种化学品的原材料或替代化石燃料。



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