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Therapeutic Songwriting in Music Therapy


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Songwriting as a therapeutic intervention has received increasing attention in the field of music therapy over the past decade however much of the publications focus on clinical outcomes rather than methods of practice. This paper, part of a two-part research report into trends in the clinical practice of songwriting, aims to describe the most frequently employed goal areas across a range of clinical populations and compare these findings with the published literature. Responses to a 21-question online survey were obtained from 477 professional music therapists practicing in 29 countries which focused on approaches to songwriting within their practice with a single clinical population. Chi-square or comparable Exact tests (Fisher-Freeman-Halton) were applied to the data and significant associations were found according to different clinical populations particularly with respect to the aims of songwriting in clinical practice and the frequency with which songwriting is employed in practice. The data highlights that songwriting is frequently employed in developmental disability and ASD practice, with reports on songwriting with these diagnostic groups being underrepresented in the music therapy literature. The survey identified that the most frequently endorsed goal areas align with the literature base and included a) experiencing mastery, develop self-confidence, enhance self esteem; b) choice and decision making; c) develop a sense of self; d) externalising thoughts, fantasies, and emotions; e) telling the client's story; and f) gaining insight or clarifying thoughts and feelings.
机译:在过去的十年中,作为音乐治疗手段的歌曲创作在音乐治疗领域受到越来越多的关注,但是许多出版物都将重点放在临床结果上,而不是实践方法上。本文是关于歌曲创作临床实践趋势的两部分研究报告的一部分,旨在描述一系列临床人群中最常用的目标领域,并将这些发现与已发表的文献进行比较。来自21个国家/地区的477名专业音乐治疗师对21个问题的在线调查做出了回应,他们关注的是针对单个临床人群的歌曲创作方法。卡方检验或类似的精确检验(Fisher-Freeman-Halton)被应用于数据,并且根据不同的临床人群发现了显着的关联,特别是在临床实践中的歌曲创作目的和实践中使用歌曲创作的频率方面。数据突出表明,在发展障碍和ASD实践中经常使用歌曲创作,而在音乐治疗文献中,关于带有这些诊断组的歌曲创作的报道不足。调查表明,最常被认可的目标领域与文献基础相符,包括:a)精通,建立自信,增强自尊心; b)选择和决策; c)培养自我意识; d)使思想,幻想和情感外在化; e)讲述客户的故事; f)获得见识或澄清想法和感受。



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