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Now, the Role of a Lifetime


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In 1959, In Lawrencebuhg; tenn., Fred Thompson and Sarah Lindsey had a problem. He was 16: a strapping athlete, not much of a student, son of a devout but uneducated used-car salesman. She was 17, from the most prominent political family in town, headed for college in Nashville. She was also pregnant. They talked of eloping, but then the Lindsey council of elders met. They ruled, reluctantly, that Sarah could marry—and Fred plunged into proving that the Lindsey clan hadn't made a mistake. Sarah tutored him in 12th grade, and then he gained momentum: fine grades at Memphis State, a scholarship to Vander-bilt Law, moot court. In only eight years he was back home, father of three, practicing law in the Lindsey firm.
机译:1959年,在劳伦斯堡(Lawrencebuhg);田纳西州,Fred Thompson和Sarah Lindsey遇到了问题。他当时16岁:是一名举足轻重的运动员,不是一个大学生,是一个虔诚但未受过教育的二手车推销员的儿子。她17岁,来自镇上最著名的政治家庭,前往纳什维尔上大学。她也怀孕了。他们谈论偷窃,但是林赛长老会见了。他们无奈地裁定莎拉可以结婚-弗雷德(Fred)急于证明林赛家族没有犯错。莎拉(Sarah)上了12年级的辅导课,然后他获得了动力:在孟菲斯州立大学(Moanderis State)获得了优异的成绩,这是对范德比尔·罗特(Vander-bilt Law)法庭法庭的奖学金。在短短的八年中,他回到家中,是三岁的父亲,在Lindsey律师事务所执业。



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