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If this were what they call in Hollywood a "buddy-buddy actioner," the script would open with a split screen of the leading men, one on each coast, sweating through their workouts before checking in with each other about a new mission. Of course, that really happened last week in what passes for reality in American politics. Last Tuesday, Arnold Schwarzenegger―immigrant Austrian body-builder turned global movie star turned Republican politician―won the governorship of California in a recall election that expelled Democrat Gray Davis. The next morning, at his mansion in Brentwood, the Terminator had just finished pumping iron when he received a call from George W. Bush, who, naturally, had just been doing the same thing. For a photo op of the call, the president threw on a coat and tie. "I'm proud of you," said Bush, who had kept his distance from the Schwarzenegger campaign for tactical reasons. Arnold thanked him, adding that he (and "Caleefornia") would need lots of help. "I look forward to working with you," Bush replied.
机译:如果这是他们在好莱坞所说的“好友伙伴作用者”的话,剧本将与领先的男人的分裂屏幕打开,每个海岸,在彼此互相检查之前,通过他们的锻炼出汗。当然,这真的在上周发生在美国政治的现实中。上周二,阿诺德施瓦辛格 - 移民奥地利人体建设者转动了全球电影明星被转动的共和党政治家 - 荣获加州的召回选举,被驱逐民主党灰戴维斯。第二天早上,在他在布伦特伍德的豪宅,当时他接到乔治W·布什的呼叫时,终结者刚刚完成了泵送铁,他是自然的,刚刚做同样的事情。对于电话的照片,总统扔在外套和领带上。 “我为你感到骄傲,”布什距离Schwarzenegger活动的距离有争议的原因。阿诺德感谢他,补充说,他(和“卡塞菲娜”)需要很多帮助。 “我期待着与您合作,”布什回答道。



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