首页> 外文期刊>New writing >A Comparison of Student Experiences in Focused and General Creative Writing MAs

A Comparison of Student Experiences in Focused and General Creative Writing MAs


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At present, Brunei University offers two Creative Writing MAs, one that is focused on novel writing (MA Creative Writing: The Novel) and a second with a broader remit that covers fiction writing, imaginative non-fiction, feature journalism, screenwriting, community writing projects and the emerging pedagogy of this subject (MA Creative & Professional Writing.) I have taught on both MAs, playing a substantial role in shaping the syllabus for both courses and have been struck by the difference between the experiences, vocational ambitions and aspirations of the students who take each programme. This paper explores some of these differences and their potential implications.
机译:目前,文莱大学提供两种创造性写作硕士学位,一种专注于小说写作(MA Creative Writing:The Novel),另一种范围更广,涉及小说写作,有想象力的非小说,专题新闻,编剧,社区写作。项目和该学科的新兴教学法(文学硕士和专业写作学)。我在这两个文学硕士课程中都教过,在制定这两门课程的课程大纲方面发挥了重要作用,并因其经验,职业抱负和志向的差异而感到震惊。参加每个课程的学生。本文探讨了其中一些差异及其潜在影响。



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