首页> 外文期刊>Neurocomputing >Propagation of calcium waves in the Hermissenda type B photoreceptor

Propagation of calcium waves in the Hermissenda type B photoreceptor

机译:钙波在Hermissenda B型感光器中的传播

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Hermissenda crassicornis is a seaslug that can be classically conditioned to associate light (the) conditioned stimulus) with turbulence (the unconditioned stimulus). Of particular importance is discovering what aspect of the light and turbulence interaction within the type B photoreceptor mediates memory storage. The purpose of this study is to test the hypothesis that calcium released by phototransduction combines non-linearly with calcium resulting from GABA stimulation by evaluating whether GABA can produce a calcium wave that reaches the soma. Simulations show that GABA simulation causes an increase in calcium in the terminal Branches which is propagated along the axon toward the soma.
机译:苍鹭(Hermissenda crassicornis)是一种海参,可以经典地调节以使光照(条件刺激)与湍流(非条件刺激)相关联。特别重要的是发现B型感光体内部的光与湍流相互作用的哪个方面介导了存储器的存储。本研究的目的是通过评估GABA是否可以产生到达人体的钙波,来检验光转导释放的钙与GABA刺激产生的钙非线性结合的假设。模拟表明,GABA模拟导致末端分支中钙的增加,该钙沿轴突向躯体传播。



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