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Deep Neural Network to Predict Answer Votes on Community Question Answering Sites


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Stack Exchange (SE) is a popular community question answering site where a large number of questions and answers are posted every day. Three tabs called active, oldest, and votes are used by SE to list the users' answers. The default tab to display the answers is the votes' tab. The problem with the current listing mechanism of the answer is that newly posted answers are always placed at the bottom of the list because of no votes. To receive the votes from the users, the answer needs to be seen by the user. However, the current mechanism favoring the oldest answers to gain the user's votes. To resolve this bias, and provide an equal opportunity to all answers, this paper suggested a deep learning-based framework that predicts virtual votes for answers as soon as it is being posted on CQAs. The predicted votes may use to lists the answers on SE. The proposed model helps the users to know how many votes may be received their answer in the future. This also motivates the users to post high-quality answers to receive more votes. The prediction of votes required only the textual content of the answers and hence it is free from the handcrafted feature engineering. To validate the model, three different datasets of the SE are used and found a promising performance on each dataset.
机译:Stack Exchange(SE)是一个受欢迎的社区问题应答网站,每天都发布了大量问题和答案。通过SE使用称为活动,最旧的和投票的三个选项卡列出了用户的答案。显示答案的默认选项卡是“选项卡”选项卡。答案当前列表机制的问题是由于没有投票,新发布的答案始终放在列表的底部。要从用户接收投票,用户需要看到答案。但是,目前机制有利于最古老的答案来获得用户的投票。为了解决这一偏见,并为所有答案提供相同的机会,这篇论文提出了一个基于深入的学习框架,一旦发布在CQAS上,就会预测虚拟投票。预测的投票可能用于列出SE的答案。拟议的模型可帮助用户知道未来可能会收到多少投票。这也是激励用户发布高质量答案以获得更多选票。投票的预测只需要答案的文本内容,因此它是没有手工制作的特征工程。要验证模型,请使用三个不同的数据集,并在每个数据集中找到了有希望的性能。



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