首页> 外文期刊>Networks & Spatial Economics >A Methodology for Assessing the Regional Economy and Transportation Impact of Introducing Longer and Heavier Vehicles: Application to the Road Network of Spain

A Methodology for Assessing the Regional Economy and Transportation Impact of Introducing Longer and Heavier Vehicles: Application to the Road Network of Spain


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Longer and Heavier Vehicles (LHVs) could enhance the competitiveness of countries due to savings in transportation costs. However, the impact that this measure might have on the regional economic and on the transportation network remains unknown, since there is no methodology available to assess it. In this paper, we develop a new methodology based on a Random Utility-Based Multiregional Input-output Model and a road transport network model to assess the impact of allowing LHVs. We applied it to the case of Spain, and we found that allowing LHVs would produce both direct and indirect effects. Real GDP and employment are expected to grow in all the regions, but some of them -the most competitive, most peripheral, and most transport-intensive- will benefit much more than other regions. We also found that the measure would lead to a reduction of vehicles in the network and a reduction of emissions too. The approach designed in this paper provides broad guidance to national governments and other transport-related parties to quantify the impacts of transport policies such as this.



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