首页> 外文期刊>Neophilologus >Suffering in Konrad Fleck’s Flore und Blanscheflur as a Catalyst in the Meeting with the Foreign: Emotional Bonds with the Orient in a Late-Medieval Sentimental Romance

Suffering in Konrad Fleck’s Flore und Blanscheflur as a Catalyst in the Meeting with the Foreign: Emotional Bonds with the Orient in a Late-Medieval Sentimental Romance

机译:遭受康拉德·弗莱克(Konrad Fleck)的弗洛雷·布兰切夫鲁(Flore und Blanscheflur)的催化剂,在与外国人的会面中:与中世纪后期的浪漫情怀中的东方人建立情感纽带

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Already in the twelfth century European audiences learned about the later significantly popular account of Floire and Blancheflor which emphasizes the far-reaching impact that deeply erotic emotions can have on political power structures. The Middle High German sentimental version by Konrad Fleck serves here as a platform to analyze how much influence true love could have on the behavior of society at large, influencing it to embrace courtly values and ethics on a large scale. Whereas recent research has mostly focused on the performativity of emotions, here I examine the function of emotions for social and cultural developments. As Fleck demonstrates, when the two young lovers face their certain death at the hand of the Babylonian ruler, they demonstrate so much ardent love for each other that they fight over who would die first. This then moves the despotic Admiral to such an extent, along with all his people, that he lifts the death penalty, allows these two young people to marry, and enters into friendship with the young male protagonist. In fact, he changes his entire outlook on life and behavior, transforming into an almost ideal ruler who would fit right into the courtly world. The analysis demonstrates how much Fleck, similar to his European contemporary writers, advocated the value of emotions for didactic, moral, and even political purposes.
机译:早在十二世纪,欧洲观众就已经了解了后来的《弗洛伊尔》和《布兰奇弗洛尔》的广为流传的描写,它强调了深沉的情色情绪对政治权力结构的深远影响。康拉德·弗莱克(Konrad Fleck)的德国中高级感性版本在这里用作分析真实爱情对整个社会的行为有多大影响的平台,从而影响它大范围地接受礼貌的价值观和道德观念。尽管最近的研究主要集中在情感的表现力上,但在这里我考察了情感对社会和文化发展的作用。正如弗莱克所表明的那样,当两个年轻的恋人在巴比伦统治者的手中面临一定的死亡时,他们表现出对彼此的热爱,以至于他们为谁先死而战。然后,这使专制海军上将与他的全体人民一起移动到这样的程度,以至于他取消了死刑,允许这两个年轻人结婚,并与年轻的男主人公建立了友谊。实际上,他改变了他对生活和行为的整个看法,转变为几乎适合朝廷世界的理想统治者。分析表明,与他的欧洲当代作家类似,弗莱克在很大程度上主张情感对于教学,道德甚至政治目的的价值。




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