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Globalization and World Literature


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World Literature’s time has come again in the current development of a new discipline of World Literature suitable for a time of globalization. The new disciple faces some challenges: the challenge of translation, the challenge of what literary works to choose as representative, the challenge of making a universal definition of “literature.” The thought experiment of imagining what commentary you would need to put with a translation into Chinese of W. B. Yeats’s lyric, “The Cold Heaven,” exemplifies these problems. Explaining the reasons for Friedrich Nietzsche’s rejection of Goethe’s Weltliteratur, in The Birth of Tragedy, is, when that rejection is put into the context of The Birth of Tragedy as a whole and of other writing by Nietzsche, a good example of the theoretical problems that the renewed discipline of World Literature may need to take into account.
机译:在适应全球化时代的世界文学新学科的当前发展中,世界文学的时代又来了。新的门徒面临一些挑战:翻译的挑战,文学选择代表作品的挑战,对“文学”进行通用定义的挑战。想像一下,想想您需要翻译成W. B. Yeats的歌词“ The Cold Heaven”的中文时所进行的思想实验,很好地说明了这些问题。在《悲剧的诞生》中解释弗里德里希·尼采拒绝歌德的文学世界的原因是,当这种拒绝被纳入整个《悲剧的诞生》和尼采的其他著作的背景下,这是理论问题的一个很好的例子。新的世界文学学科可能需要考虑在内。



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