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(Post)Modernity in the penal colony: Richard Flanagan’s Gould’s Book of Fish

机译:(后)刑事殖民地的现代性:理查德·弗拉纳根(Richard Flanagan)的古尔德(Gould)的《鱼书》

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In world literature, the penal colony theme obviously has powerful ethical and political implications. Among the texts dealing with this theme are Kafka’s “In the Penal Colony,” A. Solzhenitsyn’s The Gulag Archipelago and Richard Flanagan’s Gould’s Book of Fish. This essay first looks at the history of the sublime object—Gould’s fish—in relation to Foucault’s critique of “technologies of the self” and “regime of truth.” Then, in the light of Benjamin’s concept of history and Agamben’s notion of “bare life,” the author argues that Flanagan’s diagnosis of progress in the modernity project—his use of panopticonism, the construction of a railroad and the Great Mahjong Hall in colonial Tasmania as symbols of modernization—offers us a window onto the past through which we might redirect the future. Based on a materialist view of the change that Flanagan anticipates in colonial Tasmanian social life, in its discussion of the questions of history and modernity—a colonial-imperial British modernity and a “glocal” modernity in Tasmania—this essay follows Benjamin in rethinking the boundary(-crossing) between world literature and national literature.
机译:在世界文学中,刑事殖民地主题显然具有强大的伦理和政治含义。在涉及该主题的文字中,有卡夫卡(Kafka)的“在刑事殖民地”,索尔仁尼琴(A. Solzhenitsyn)的古拉格群岛(Gulag Archipelago)和理查德·弗拉纳根(Richard Flanagan)的古尔德鱼书。本文首先探讨了崇高的对象古尔德的鱼的历史,这与福柯对“自我技术”和“真理制度”的批评有关。然后,根据本杰明的历史概念和阿甘本的“光秃秃的生活”概念,作者认为弗拉纳根诊断了现代性项目的进展-他使用了泛主义者主义,修建了铁路以及塔斯马尼亚殖民地的麻将大厅作为现代化的象征-为我们提供了一个过去的窗口,通过它我们可以重定向未来。基于对弗拉纳根在塔斯马尼亚殖民地社会生活中所期待的变化的唯物主义观点,在讨论历史和现代性问题(塔斯马尼亚的殖民帝国帝国现代性和“地方性”现代性)时,本文遵循了本杰明的思想。世界文学与民族文学之间的界限。



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