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Life writing as a slave in Turkish hands: Georgius of Hungary’s reflections about his existence in the Turkish world


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In Georgius of Hungary’s Tractatus (ca. 1480) we learn of a slave’s long-term experience in Turkey, reflected upon after his eventual escape. While Georgius provides extensive details about the culture and religion in the Ottoman Empire, he ultimately utilized his account to overcome the trauma that he had suffered when he was taken prisoner and made into a slave. The term ‘life-writing’ fits the Tractatus well because despite the brevity of the autobiographical references the author outlines to an impressive degree how much his later condemnation of Islam provided him with the necessary narrative framework to reconstitute his own identity as a Christian. Radical rejection thus becomes the epistemological tool for the rebuilding of the own self after slavery.
机译:在匈牙利Tractatus(大约1480年)的Georgius中,我们了解到奴隶在土耳其的长期经历,这是他最终逃脱后的反映。虽然乔治斯(Georgius)提供了有关奥斯曼帝国文化和宗教的广泛细节,但他最终还是利用自己的见解克服了他被囚禁并沦为奴隶时所遭受的创伤。 “生活写作”一词很适合《地域论》,因为尽管自传参考文献很简短,但作者在相当大的程度上概述了他后来对伊斯兰的谴责为他提供了必要的叙事框架,以重建他自己作为基督徒的身份。因此,激进的排斥成为奴隶制后重建自身自我的认识论工具。



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