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Transgression in the works of Bret Easton Ellis: the case of Imperial bedrooms


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The paper argues that Imperial bedrooms, Bret Easton Ellis’s latest novel to date engages, among other things, with the author’s own fiction on manifold levels: it does not only mark his return to the minimalist mode of writing, but effectively reclaims narrative authority from cinematic adaptations of Ellis’s oeuvre, negotiates the terms of the fictional autobiographical pact set up by his previous novels, most notably Less than zero and Lunar park, and, finally, reinterprets and exposes, within the generic boundaries of the California noir teemed with existential(ist) issues, what Baudrillard called "the perfect crime” committed by contemporary media.
机译:该论文认为,布雷特·伊斯顿·埃利斯(Bret Easton Ellis)迄今为止最新的小说《帝国卧室》与作者自己在多层面上的小说息息相关:它不仅标志着他回归了极简主义的写作模式,而且还有效地夺回了电影的叙事权威。埃利斯作品的改编,协商了他以前的小说所建立的虚构自传条约的条款,最著名的是《小于零》和《月球公园》,最后,在充满生存主义的加利福尼亚黑色电影的一般边界内重新解释和揭露。 )问题,即鲍德里亚(Baudrillard)所说的当代媒体所犯的“完美罪行”。



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