首页> 外文期刊>Neohelicon >Is it just too Catholic for us? The reception of I promessi sposi and the problem of religion and literature

Is it just too Catholic for us? The reception of I promessi sposi and the problem of religion and literature

机译:对我们来说太天主教了吗? I promessi sposi的接受与宗教和文学问题

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This paper examines the American and Italian reception of Manzoni’s I promessi sposi. It places the American reception of Manzoni within a larger context of the anti-Catholic nativism that has pervaded American society and academe. The reception of Manzoni in Italy, in contrast, is marked by anti-clericism. The case study of Manzoni’s reception raises the larger issue of the role of the study of religion within the discipline of literary studies.
机译:本文研究了美国和意大利对曼佐尼(Manzoni)的I promessi sposi的接待。它将美国人对曼佐尼的接待置于遍及美国社会和学术界的反天主教本土主义的更大范围内。相比之下,意大利的曼佐尼(Manzoni)受到反教派主义的影响。曼佐尼(Manzoni)接受的案例研究提出了一个更大的问题,即宗教研究在文学研究学科中的作用。



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