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Vengeance and mercy in Anna Karenina


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Tolstoy’s famous novel begins with an epigraph, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay,” which leaves out the purported speaker of these words in Romans 12:19 (“sayeth the Lord”). As a result, these opening words allow for major ambiguities in understanding the motives of the novel’s characters. The Lord’s power to avenge wrongdoing, which asks that human beings strive to be merciful, can become the prerogative of any first-person subject. As is seen in Vronsky’s mother’s harsh condemnation of Anna near the novel’s end, such language allow for pitiless self-righteousness to overwhelm the true goal of humble forgiveness. This paper considers the implications of this ambiguity by examining the dialectic of vengeance and mercy that runs through Tolstoy’s novel. Emphasis falls on Anna and her husband Karenin, but the discussion also includes telling episodes involving Dolly Oblonsky (Anna’s sister-in-law) and Konstantin Lyovin, Anna’s counterpart in the novel’s second plot. The issues explored range from the power of compassionate forbearance and the problematic impact of authoritative words on people’s behavior to social ostracism, the transience of peak experiences, and the anguish of losing one’s capacity to forgive, not just other people, but—tragically—one’s very self.
机译:托尔斯泰的着名小说以题词“复仇是我的,我会偿还”开头,而在罗马书12:19(“说主”)中,这些话被认为是没有说出来的。结果,这些开场白词在理解小说人物的动机时引起了很大的歧义。上帝报复不法行为的权力要求人类努力仁慈,可以成为任何第一人称主体的特权。从伏龙斯基的母亲对小说结尾处安娜的严厉谴责中可以看出,这种语言允许无情的自以为是,压倒了谦卑宽恕的真正目标。本文通过考察托尔斯泰小说中复仇和怜悯的辩证法,来考虑这种歧义的含义。重点放在安娜和她的丈夫卡列宁身上,但是讨论还包括讲述多莉·奥布隆斯基(安娜的olly子)和小说第二部情节的安娜对应的康斯坦丁·莱温(Konstantin Lyovin)的一集。探索的问题包括同情宽容的力量以及权威性词语对人们行为的影响,到社会排斥,高峰经历的短暂性以及丧失个人原谅能力的痛苦,不仅是其他人,而且是悲惨的一个人。非常自我。



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