首页> 外文期刊>Naturwissenschaften >Social Hackers: Integration in the Host Chemical Recognition System by a Paper Wasp Social Parasite

Social Hackers: Integration in the Host Chemical Recognition System by a Paper Wasp Social Parasite


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Obligate social parasites in the social insects have lost the worker caste and the ability to establish nests. As a result, parasites must usurp a host nest, overcome the host recognition system, and depend on the host workers to rear their offspring. We analysed cuticular hydrocarbon profiles of live parasite females of the paper wasp social parasite Polistes sulcifer before and after usurpation of host nests, using the non-destructive technique of solid-phase micro-extraction. Our results reveal that hydrocarbon profiles of parasites change after usurpation of host nests to match the cuticular profile of the host species. Chemical evidence further shows that the parasite queen changes the odour of the nest by the addition of a parasite-specific hydrocarbon. We discuss the possible role of this in the recognition and acceptance of the parasite and its offspring in the host colony.
机译:社会昆虫中专性的社会寄生虫丧失了工人的种姓和建立巢穴的能力。结果,寄生虫必须篡夺寄主巢,克服寄主识别系统,并依靠寄主工人抚养他们的后代。我们使用固相微萃取的无损分析技术,分析了黄蜂社会寄生虫Polistes sulcifer的活寄生虫雌性在​​侵夺寄主巢之前和之后的表皮碳氢化合物分布特征。我们的结果表明,寄生虫的碳氢化合物分布特征在侵占寄主巢穴后发生变化,以匹配寄主物种的表皮特征。化学证据进一步表明,寄生虫女王通过添加寄生虫特有的碳氢化合物改变了巢的气味。我们讨论了这一点在宿主菌落中对寄生虫及其后代的识别和接受中的可能作用。



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