首页> 外文期刊>Naturwissenschaften >Codling moth males do not discriminate between pheromone and a pheromone/antagonist blend during upwind flight

Codling moth males do not discriminate between pheromone and a pheromone/antagonist blend during upwind flight


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Discrimination between conspecific and het-erospecific signals is a key element in the evolution of pheromone-mediated communication in insects. Phero-mone antagonists prevent heterospecific attraction. They are typically pheromone synergists in other species and enable specific communication in closely related species, using partly the same chemicals. In codling moth, Cydia pomonella, as in other moths, upwind flights to a pheromone/antagonist blend were slower and more convoluted than to pheromone. However, this deteriorated flight behaviour did not account for the strong decrease in male attraction. The pheromone/antagonist blend blocked instead the onset of upwind flight. This was corroborated by placing a separate source of pheromone close by, which restored male attraction. Males flying upwind did not discriminate between pheromone and the adjacent pheromone/antagonist blend, and landed on either source. This indicates differences in the neural regulation for initiating and maintaining a behavioural response to pheromone.
机译:在昆虫中信息素介导的通讯中,同种和异种信号之间的区别是一个关键因素。信息素拮抗剂可防止异种吸引。它们通常是其他物种中的信息素增效剂,并且可以使用部分相同的化学物质在密切相关的物种中进行特定的交流。与其他蛾一样,在苹果d蛾中,Cydia pomonella比向信息素的逆风飞行更慢且更易回旋。但是,这种恶化的飞行行为并不能说明男性吸引力的大幅下降。信息素/拮抗剂混合阻止了逆风飞行的开始。通过在附近放置一个单独的信息素来证实这一点,从而恢复了男性的吸引力。顺风飞行的雄性没有区分信息素和相邻的信息素/拮抗剂混合物,并且降落在任一源上。这表明在启动和维持对信息素的行为反应的神经调节方面存在差异。



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