首页> 外文期刊>Naturwissenschaften >Prison construction and guarding behaviour by European honeybees is dependent on inmate small hive beetle density

Prison construction and guarding behaviour by European honeybees is dependent on inmate small hive beetle density


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Increasing small hive beetle (Aethina tumida Murray) density changes prison construction and guarding behaviour in European honeybees (Apis mellifera L.). These changes include more guard bees per imprisoned beetle and the construction of more beetle prisons at the higher beetle density. Despite this, the number of beetles per prison (inmate density) did not change. Beetles solicited food more actively at the higher density and at night. In response, guard bees increased their aggressive behaviour towards beetle prisoners but did not feed beetles more at the higher density. Only 5% of all beetles were found among the combs at the low density but this percentage increased five-fold at the higher one. Successful comb infiltration (and thus reproduction) by beetles is a possible explanation for the significant damage beetles cause to European honeybee colonies in the USA.
机译:小型蜂巢甲虫(Aethina tumida Murray)密度的增加改变了欧洲蜜蜂(Apis mellifera L.)的监狱建设和保护行为。这些变化包括每个被监禁的甲虫有更多的保护蜂,以及在较高的甲虫密度下建造更多的甲虫监狱。尽管如此,每个监狱的甲虫数量(囚犯密度)没有改变。甲虫在更高的密度和夜间更积极地请求食物。作为响应,警卫蜂增加了对甲虫囚犯的攻击行为,但没有以更高的密度喂食更多的甲虫。在低密度的梳子中,仅发现所有甲虫的5%,但在较高的密度中,这一百分比增加了五倍。甲虫成功地渗透(从而繁殖)是甲虫对美国欧洲蜜蜂群落造成重大破坏的可能解释。



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