
Virus Hunter


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"We're going to have to shoot him on the run," Richard Kock shouted above the roar of the Land Rover. "Pull up as close as you can and don't slow down." The Kenyan driver nodded and sent the pickup weaving through the desert scrub, accelerating over the coarse red sand. Richard stood in the back, gripping the roll-bar with one hand and clutching his capture gun with the other. As we glimpsed the lumbering neck of our quarry through the brush, the driver shifted gears and swerved between two low-crowned acacia trees. The next time we spotted the giraffe, it was loping past a clearing with an aluminum dart dangling from its shoulder. The needle had struck bone and the tranquilizer had failed to inject. A second dart had glanced off one of its hind legs. Wary after two ineffectual hits, the animal seemed to sense the range of Richard's gun. Our only hope was to chase after it as fast as we possibly could.
机译:理查德·科克(Richard Kock)在路虎的咆哮声中喊道:“我们将不得不在逃跑中射杀他。” “尽量拉近,不要放慢速度。”肯尼亚司机点了点头,然后把皮草编织穿过了沙漠灌木丛,在粗糙的红色沙滩上加速了。理查德站在后面,一只手抓住防滚杆,另一只手抓住抓捕枪。当我们通过刷子瞥见采石场的笨拙脖子时,司机换了档,在两个低矮的相思树之间转弯。下次我们发现长颈鹿时,它的肩膀上悬挂着铝制飞镖,飞过一片空地。针碰到骨头了,镇静剂没能注射。第二支飞镖扫过了它的一只后腿。经过两次无效击中后,警惕,这只动物似乎感觉到了理查德的枪的射程。我们唯一的希望是尽可能快地追赶它。



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