首页> 外文期刊>Natural Hazards Review >Mitigation of Basement Flooding due to Sewer Backup: Overview and Experimental Investigation of Backwater Valve Performance

Mitigation of Basement Flooding due to Sewer Backup: Overview and Experimental Investigation of Backwater Valve Performance


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Extreme rainfall-related urban flooding and consequently, basement flooding due to sewer surcharge, has become one of the most significant drivers of disaster losses in Canada. It has been recommended that homeowners living in flood-prone regions protect their properties against basement flooding by installing backwater valves on sewer laterals and branch lines connected to plumbing fixtures. The most common causes of valve failure are identified and categorized into the following groups: (1)flow rates; (2)valve condition; (3)lateral slope; (4)lateral condition; and (5)wastewater material. A testing protocol developed through experimental design with respect to the failure-mode classifications is proposed to determine the lifecycles and maintenance intervals for different backwater valve models. The results may be used to create policies and recommend maintenance procedures to ensure an acceptable level of backwater valve function and to mitigate the occurrence of basement flooding events due to sewer surcharge.
机译:与降雨有关的城市洪灾,以及下水道附加费导致的地下室洪灾,已成为加拿大造成灾害损失的最重要因素之一。已建议居住在洪水多发地区的房主通过在下水道支管和连接到管道固定装置的支线上安装回水阀来保护其财产免受地下室洪水的侵害。阀门故障的最常见原因已确定并归类为以下几类:(1)流量; (2)阀门状况; (3)侧坡; (4)附带条件; (5)废水材料。提出了通过实验设计针对故障模式分类开发的测试协议,以确定不同回水阀型号的生命周期和维护间隔。结果可用于创建策略并建议维护程序,以确保可接受的回水阀功能水平,并减轻由于下水道附加费而引起的地下室洪水事件的发生。



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