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Variation in verbal inflection in Dutch dialects


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From a diachronic perspective, Germanic languages are in the process of deflection. In this context, there appears to be a rather chaotic amount of variation within the verbal inflectional paradigms of Dutch dialects. Based on the paradigms of the verb leven (“to live”) in 253 Dutch dialects, we provide a description and a paradigmatic analysis of the variation that we found in verbal inflection in geographically determined, synchronic varieties of Dutch. It turns out that the observed variation is remarkably consistent: there are nine different paradigms, eight of which show a geographically delimited distribution. We discuss the observed geographical variation in the context of Germanic deflection. We argue that variation and deflection are determined by paradigmatic simplification of the feature system involved. We demonstrate that the following economy strategies are relevant: (A) the reduction of the number of distinctive features for a particular affix in an inflectional paradigm: each affix within the Dutch verbal inflectional system is characterized by one phi-feature only; (B) the introduction of a default category [+finite]; (C) the reduction of the number of feature categories in an inflectional paradigm: Dutch inflectional paradigms allow the presence of only one inflectional category ([number], [person], [gender]). These strategies largely determine the realm of variation, within which regional varieties occupy different positions. By doing so, we provide a perspective on paradigmatic change, triggered by properties of the language system.
机译:从历时的角度来看,日耳曼语言正处于偏斜过程中。在这种情况下,荷兰方言的语言拐点范式中似乎存在相当混乱的变化。基于253个荷兰方言中的动词leven(“住”)的范式,我们对在地理上确定的荷兰语同步变体中的言语变化发现的变化进行了描述和范式分析。事实证明,观察到的变化非常一致:存在九种不同的范例,其中有八种显示了地理上界定的分布。我们讨论在日耳曼偏转的情况下观察到的地理变化。我们认为变化和偏转是通过所涉及特征系统的范式简化来确定的。我们证明以下经济策略是相关的:(A)减少词缀范式中特定词缀的鲜明特征的数量:荷兰言语词缀系统中的每个词缀仅具有一个phi特征; (B)引入默认类别[+ finite]; (C)减少变形范例中特征类别的数量:荷兰的变形范例只允许存在一个变形类别([数量],[人],[性别])。这些策略在很大程度上决定了变异的领域,在该领域中,区域品种占据着不同的位置。通过这样做,我们提供了由语言系统属性触发的范式变化的观点。



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