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“Templatic backcopying” in Guarijio abbreviated reduplication


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Although a wide array of phonological properties seem to backcopy in reduplication, it is an open question whether reduplicative templates can backcopy as well. It has been argued that natural languages do not have reduplicative constructions where the base truncates to match the truncated reduplicant (McCarthy & Prince, 1994; McCarthy & Prince, 1999; Spaelti, 1997; inter alia). In Guarijio Abbreviated Reduplication (Miller, 1996), however, both copies of the reduplicative construction truncate, instantiating the pattern that has been claimed not to exist. This paper argues that the Guarijio case fills this typological gap. Although the data can be given a templatic backcopying analysis, this paper defends a Morphological Doubling Theory (MDT) analysis using cophonologies (Inkelas & Zoll, 2005). In MDT, Guarijio Abbreviated Reduplication results from the parallel imposition of a truncating cophonology in each copy of the reduplicative construction. Guarijio Abbreviated Reduplication is predicted to exist by MDT together with other documented cases of parallel phonological modification in reduplication.
机译:尽管许多语音特性似乎在重复中都可以反向复制,但是重复性模板是否也可以反向复制是一个悬而未决的问题。有人认为,自然语言不具有重复的构造,其基础被截断以匹配被截短的重复的主语(McCarthy&Prince,1994; McCarthy&Prince,1999; Spaelti,1997;等等)。然而,在《 Guarijio缩写重复》(Miller,1996年)中,两个重复副本的构造都被截断,实例化了据称不存在的模式。本文认为,瓜里ji案填补了这一类型学空白。尽管可以对数据进行临时的复制分析,但本文还是捍卫了使用语音学的形态学加倍理论(MDT)分析(Inkelas&Zoll,2005年)。在MDT中,Guarijio缩写重复是由于在重复复制构造的每个副本中并行施加截断语音。 MDT预测Guarijio缩写重复与其他在重复中的平行语音修饰的案例一起存在。



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