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How marginal are phrasal compounds? Generalized insertion, expressivity, and I/Q-interaction

机译:短语化合物的边际程度如何?广义插入,表达和I / Q交互

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For several reasons, phrasal compounds like I-told-you-so attitude are a typical case of a marginal type of word-formation: (i) integration of a phrase into the word should not be allowed (violation of the No Phrase Constraint), (ii) lexical integrity is weakened (violation of the Principle of Lexical Integrity), (iii) they display an expressive flavour typical of marginal morphology. Using the mixed model of Ackema and Neeleman (2004) that allows for insertion from phrasal syntax into word syntax (Generalized Insertion) it is shown that phrasal compounds are by no means marginal from a purely theoretical point of view. However, the expressivity of marginal compounds has to be explained. Drawing on experimental data, it is shown that ad hoc phrasal compounds are understandable and witty to a high degree. These results are explained within the Presumptive Meanings approach of Levinson (2000) that develops the notion of Generalized Conversational Implicature (GCI). It is shown that the expressivity of ad hoc phrasal compounds stems from a word-level conflict between observing the I-principle (that favours the enrichment of underdetermined structures) on the one hand, and the Q-principle (that requires maximal information) on the other.
机译:由于多种原因,短语表达(如“我告诉你”这样的态度)是边际类型构词的典型情况:(i)不允许将词组整合到单词中(违反无短语约束) ,(ii)词汇完整性被削弱(违反了词汇完整性原则),(iii)它们表现出典型的边缘形态表现力。使用Ackema和Neeleman(2004)的混合模型,它允许从短语语法插入单词语法(通用插入),从纯粹的理论角度来看,短语复合词绝不是边缘。但是,必须说明边缘化合物的表达。根据实验数据,可以看出,临时短语化合物在很大程度上是可以理解和机智的。这些结果在Levinson(2000)的推定含义方法中得到了解释,该方法发展了通用会话含意(GCI)的概念。结果表明,临时短语化合物的表达源于一方面观察I原理(有利于丰富不确定结构的知识)与观察Q原理(需要最大信息)之间的词级冲突。另一个。



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