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Inflectional paradigms have a base: evidence from s-Dissimilation in Southern German dialects


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In many varieties of Southern German the contrast between /s/ and / $int$ / is neutralized to $[int]$ before /p t/ anywhere within a word (e.g. $Post ,[{rm po}int t]$ ‘mail’), but neutralization does not occur before inflectional suffixes (e.e. küss-t [kyst] ‘kiss (3 SG)’). It will be argued that the underapplication of neutralization before inflectional suffixes is an example of a Paradigm Uniformity effect: Neutralization is blocked from applying to the final /s/ of a stem so that it will retain a constant shape in a paradigm. Underapplication in examples like [kyst] follows from a requirement that the stem in a derived word be identical to the unaffixed base. By contrast, the German data will be shown to be problematic for the Optimal Paradigms model (McCarthy 2005), since this approach does not allow for a base in inflectional paradigms.
机译:在南德的许多变体中,/ s /和/ $ int $ /之间的对比在单词中任何位置(例如$ Post,[{rm po} int t] $'mail)之前都在/ pt /之前被抵消为$ [int] $ '),但在变体后缀(eeküss-t[kyst]'kiss(3 SG)')之前不会发生中和。有人认为,在词尾后缀之前中和作用的不足是范式均匀性效应的一个例子:中和作用被阻止应用于茎的最终/ s /,因此它将在范式中保持恒定的形状。在诸如[kyst]之类的示例中,未充分使用是由于要求派生词中的词干与未附加基数相同。相比之下,德国数据将显示出最优范式模型存在问题(McCarthy 2005),因为这种方法不允许以屈折范式为基础。



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