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Principal parts and morphological typology


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Like the numbers in a sudoku puzzle, a lexeme’s principal parts provide enough information–but only enough–to deduce all of the remaining forms in its paradigm. Because principal parts are a distillation of the implicative relations that exist among the members of a lexeme’s paradigm, they afford an important (but heretofore neglected) basis for typological classification. We recognize three logically distinct sorts of principal-part systems that might be postulated for a given language: static, adaptive, and dynamic. Focussing for present purposes on dynamic systems, we propose five crosscutting criteria for the typological classification of principal-part systems. These criteria relate to (i) how many principal parts are needed to determine a lexeme’s paradigm; (ii) whether distinct lexemes possess parallel sets of principal parts; (iii) how many principal parts are needed to determine a given word in a lexeme’s paradigm; (iv) what sort of morphological relation exists between a principal part and the forms that it is used to deduce; and (v) whether lexemes’ nonprincipal parts are inferred from their principal parts in the same way from one inflection class to another. Drawing on these criteria, we propose a novel classification of a range of typologically diverse languages.
机译:就像数独谜题中的数字一样,词素的主要部分提供了足够的信息,但仅提供了足够的信息,可以推论其范式中的所有其他形式。因为主要部分是对词位范例成员之间存在的暗示关系的提炼,所以它们为类型分类提供了重要的(但至今仍被忽略)的基础。我们认识到可能针对给定语言假定的三种逻辑上不同的主体系统:静态,自适应和动态。为了当前目的着眼于动态系统,我们为主体系统的类型分类提出了五个横切标准。这些标准涉及(i)确定词素范式需要多少主要部分; (ii)不同的词素是否具有平行的主要部分集; (iii)确定词素范例中的给定单词需要多少个主要部分; (iv)主要部分与其用来推断的形式之间存在何种形态关系; (v)从一个拐点类到另一个拐点类,是否以相同的方式从其主要部分推断出勒克密的非主要部分。根据这些标准,我们提出了一系列类型多样的语言的新颖分类。



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