首页> 外文期刊>Morphology >Constituent order in compounds and syntax: typology and diachrony

Constituent order in compounds and syntax: typology and diachrony


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The paper addresses the question of the correspondence between constituent order in compounds and in syntax. While a strictly synchronic perspective does not lead us to any significant generalization as ascertained by Bauer (Language typology and language universals, Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin 2001), adopting a diachronic point of view allows us to formulate the question in general terms by making reference to the logical problem of what is the transition permitted from a certain synchronic stage to another. On the basis of a large language sample, it is shown that constituent order in compounds heavily relies on syntax. This must be understood in the terms of a diachronic universal reflecting Hawkins’ (Word order universals, Academic Press, New York 1983) Double Acquisition Hypothesis. For this specific property of compounds, morphology does not seem to be autonomous from syntax, albeit the relation between morphology and syntax must be thought of as a multi-faceted one.
机译:本文讨论了复合词和语法中组成顺序之间的对应关系问题。虽然严格的共时性观点并不能使我们对鲍尔(语言类型学和语言普适性,穆登·德·格鲁伊特,柏林,2001年)所确定的任何重大概括,但采用历时性观点可以使我们通过参考来概括性地提出问题。逻辑上的问题是从某个同步阶段到另一个同步阶段所允许的过渡是什么。在大量语言样本的基础上,表明复合词的组成顺序在很大程度上取决于语法。必须用反映霍金斯的双重历时通用性(单词顺序通用性,Academic Press,1983年,纽约)双重获取假说来理解。对于化合物的这一特定属性,形态学似乎并不是从语法上独立的,尽管必须将形态学与语法之间的关系视为多方面的。



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