首页> 外文期刊>Monthly Weather Review >Has the Conversion of Natural Wetlands to Agricultural Land Increased the Incidence and Severity of Damaging Freezes in South Florida?

Has the Conversion of Natural Wetlands to Agricultural Land Increased the Incidence and Severity of Damaging Freezes in South Florida?


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On several occasions, winter freezes have wrought severe destruction on Florida agriculture. A series of devastating freezes around the turn of the twentieth century, and again during the 1980s, were related to anomalies in the large-scale flow of the ocean-atmosphere system. During the twentieth century, substantial areas of wetlands in south Florida were drained and converted to agricultural land for winter fresh vegetable and sugarcane production. During this time, much of the citrus industry also was relocated to those areas to escape the risk of freeze farther to the north. The purpose of this paper is to present a modeling study designed to investigate whether the conversion of the wetlands to agriculture itself could have resulted in or exacerbated the severity of recent freezes in those agricultural areas of south Florida. For three recent freeze events, a pair of simulations was undertaken with the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System. One member of each pair employed land surface properties that represent pre-1900s (near natural) land cover, whereas the other member of each pair employed data that represent near-current land-use patterns as derived from analysis of Landsat data valid for 1992/93. These two different land cover datasets capture well the conversion of wetlands to agriculture in south Florida during the twentieth century. Use of current land surface properties resulted in colder simulated minimum temperatures and temperatures that remained below freezing for a longer period at locations of key agricultural production centers in south Florida that were once natural wetlands. Examination of time series of the surface energy budget from one of the cases reveals that when natural land cover is used, a persistent moisture flux from the underlying wetlands during the nighttime hours served to prevent the development of below-freezing temperatures at those same locations. When the model results were subjected to an important sensitivity factor, the depth of standing water in the wetlands, the outcome remained consistent. These results provide another example of the potential for humans to perturb the climate system in ways that can have severe socioeconomic consequences by altering the land surface alone.
机译:在某些情况下,冬季的冻结对佛罗里达州的农业造成了严重破坏。大约在20世纪初,以及在1980年代,一系列破坏性的冻结与海洋-大气系统的大规模流动异常有关。在20世纪期间,佛罗里达州南部的大量湿地被排干并转化为农田,用于冬季新鲜蔬菜和甘蔗的生产。在这段时间里,许多柑橘产业也搬迁到了那些地区,以避开更北冻结的风险。本文的目的是提供一个模型研究,旨在调查湿地向农业本身的转化是否会导致或加剧南佛罗里达州那些农业地区近期的冻害严重程度。对于最近的三起冻结事件,使用区域大气建模系统进行了一对模拟。每对中的一个成员使用代表1900年前(接近自然)土地覆盖的土地表面特性,而每对中的另一对成员则使用代表从1992/2002年有效的Landsat数据分析得出的近时土地利用模式的数据。 93。这两个不同的土地覆盖数据集很好地描述了20世纪南佛罗里达州湿地向农业的转化。使用当前的土地表面特性导致模拟的最低温度更低,并且在佛罗里达州南部曾经是天然湿地的关键农业生产中心的位置长时间保持低于冰点的温度。从其中一种情况检查表面能收支的时间序列可以发现,当使用天然土地覆盖时,夜间夜间来自下层湿地的持续水分通量可防止在这些位置出现低于冰点的温度。当模型结果受到重要的敏感度因素(湿地中积水深度)的影响时,结果保持一致。这些结果提供了另一个例子,说明人类可能通过单独改变土地表面而对气候系统造成严重的社会经济后果。



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