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Cold Fronts with and without Prefrontal Wind Shifts in the Central United States


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Time series of cold fronts from stations in the central United States possess incredible variety. For example, time series of some cold fronts exhibit a sharp temperature decrease coincident with a pressure trough and a distinct wind shift. Other time series exhibit a prefrontal trough and wind shift that precedes the temperature decrease associated with the front by several hours. In early March 2003, two cold fronts passed through Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (OKC), representing each of the above scenarios. The cold front on 4 March was characterized by a coincident sharp wind shift, pressure trough, and a strong temperature decrease of 10℃ in 2 min. On the other hand, the cold-frontal passage on 8 March was characterized by a prefrontal wind shift occurring over a 7-h period before the temperature decrease of 10℃ in 2 h. Twelve hours before frontal passage at OKC, both fronts had the same magnitude of the horizontal potential temperature gradient and Petterssen frontogenesis. By the time of frontal passage at OKC, the magnitude of the horizontal potential temperature gradient for the 4 March front was double that of the 8 March front, and the frontogenesis was nearly four times as great. The simultaneity of the surface horizontal potential temperature gradient and deformation and convergence maxima (coincident with the wind shift) was primarily responsible for the greater strength of the cold front in OKC on 4 March compared to that on 8 March. Whether a prefrontal wind shift occurred was determined by the timing and location of cyclogenesis in the central United States. On 4 March, a cyclone was adjacent to the slope of the Rocky Mountains and developed on the cold front as it moved through Oklahoma, permitting greater frontogenesis and resulting in a cold-frontal passage at OKC with a simultaneous temperature decrease and wind shift. On 8 March, the cyclone moved eastward through Oklahoma before the arrival of the cold front, resulting in a prefrontal wind shift associated with the northerlies behind the cyclone, followed by the frontal passage. A 2-yr climatology of cold-frontal passages at OKC supports the results from the two cases above, indicating that the timing and location of cyclogenesis was responsible for these two different cold-frontal structures. These results imply that, for situations resembling those of this study, the prefrontal trough is not directly associated with the cold front, but is caused by external processes related to the lee troughing.
机译:来自美国中部台站的冷锋的时间序列具有令人难以置信的变化。例如,一些冷锋的时间序列显示出急剧的温度下降,同时伴随着压力谷和明显的风移。其他时间序列表现出前额谷低和风移,在与额前温度降低相关的几个小时之前。 2003年3月上旬,代表上述每种情况的两条冷锋经过俄克拉荷马州的俄克拉荷马城(OKC)。 3月4日的冷锋特征是同时出现剧烈的风移,压力谷和2分钟内10℃的强烈降温。另一方面,3月8日的冷锋通道的特征是,在2小时内温度降低10℃之前,在7小时内发生了前锋风变。在俄克拉荷马州正面通过前12小时,两个前沿的水平势梯度和Petterssen前沿发生的幅度相同。到OKC正面通过时,3月4日锋的水平势温度梯度的大小是3月8日锋的两倍,而前沿发生的速度几乎是后者的四倍。与3月8日相比,3月4日俄克拉何马州的冷锋强度更大,主要是由于地表水平势温度梯度,变形和收敛最大值(与风移一致)的同时发生。前额风的转移是否发生取决于美国中部回旋发生的时间和位置。 3月4日,旋风与落基山脉的斜坡相邻,并在其穿过俄克拉荷马州时在冷锋处发育,从而允许更大的锋面生成,并导致俄克拉荷马州的冷锋通道通过,同时温度降低和风移。 3月8日,气旋在冷锋到达之前通过俄克拉荷马州向东移动,导致与气旋后面的北风相关的前额风转变,随后是额叶通道。 OKC在2年的冷锋通道气候方面支持了以上两种情况的结果,表明回旋发生的时机和位置是这两种不同的冷锋结构的原因。这些结果表明,对于与本研究类似的情况,前额槽与冷锋并不直接相关,而是由与风谷相关的外部过程引起的。



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